MTV is the epitome of narcissistic superficial artificial slack-jawed mentality that has changed the direction in the youth of American culture for the worse. And the film is quite possibly the nadir of said stupidity. In it a group of young blank twenty-somethings slither their war through spring break in Cancun sharing a beach house (a la "Real World). How these rocket scientists can share a house when they don't even share a braincell among them is a mystery for the ages. One of them is a sober geek who never drank so much of the "reality" movie is based on getting him wasted. All of this is accompanied by mostly flavor of the week crappy music that again is like MTV. Horrible.My Grade: F
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
The Real Cancun was a sorry excuse for filmmaking, if not on mankind. Sixteen privileged kids go out and have fun drinking and basically being idiots for an hour and half, fused together with rock songs and pointless, shallow banter. Fortunately, the negative backlash for this garbage is intriguing, considering the lust most Americans have for reality bull such as this. But then again, this movie was just boring, and idiocy of the people involved just wanted to make me toss my drink at the screen. Hopefully, this whole reality TV faze I looked back upon with distaste, and we can thank The Real Cancun for starting that much needed downward spiral.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
Appalling. It provides its own reward for the cast, who will no doubt buy copies to show their grandkids. I hope they're proud; I'm sure their parents are. The poor specimens of today's youth that it portrays, foul mouthed and ignorant, are regrettably typical of the lower end of the IQ pool, but what's worse is that it fails even in its promise of a T&A movie.Let's be honest about this; it's like Big Brother. The only reason to get this out is to look at naked young bodies; after all, you can always turn the sound down and fast forward through the talkie bits. Why would anybody want to hear what these cretins have to say? And if even the T&A turns out to be non-existent, why bother making it?One of the worst movies ever made, and all who had a part in it should be ashamed.